Archive for February, 2013


I have tried to do this very thing as of late and that is why I related to it so well when I saw it.

Initially if I see a female that catches my eye I no longer allow myself to leave and wonder what if. Nope I roll right up without any expectations and speak the truth. I say Hello and then tell her whatever it is I wanted to, which is kind and respectable of course, ha. And whatever happens, happens. But regardless of the outcome I get to leave without any regrets or a myriad of wonder ifs’.

Now this can be applied to many another scenarios outside of you speaking to a man or woman that catches your eye. We should all aim to live a life where we are presently erasing the chance for regret.

With this said I also relate to the desire to break away from the monotonous and mundane text book exchanges that this comic labeled “club passwords”. Tell me something real. Ask me something original. Let’s share something we both won’t forget.

“Everyone Carries a Piece of the Puzzle”

Don’t risk leaving out a piece of your puzzle


That's One Way To Look At It

This caught me off guard when I saw this today. It was one of those ah ha moments. I was like you know what, you’re right Mr. Picture full of wisdom. It’s a beautiful illustration of the highs and lows that we each go through. Without them what is there?

That's One Way To Look At It

This caught me off guard when I saw this today. It was one of those ah ha moments. I was like you know what, you’re right Mr. Picture full of wisdom. It’s a beautiful illustration of the highs and lows that we each go through. Without them what is there?



Some incidents in our past are so terrible that they can’t ever be forgotten, but you can always remember what it taught you. And Shane Koyczan is a perfect example of this. Shane Koyczan, an amazing poet gives us priceless insight about the impact of bullying through his own special poetic narrative called “To This Day”.

To This Day Project is a project based on a spoken word poem written by Shane Koyczan called “To This Day”, to further explore the profound and lasting impact that bullying can have on an individual.

Schools and families are in desperate need of proper tools to confront this problem. We can give them a starting point… A message that will have a far reaching and long lasting effect in confronting bullying.

Read more here:

Just a few memorable parts:

At 1:00, imagine being removed because of it

At 1:14, you can hear the pain and disgust

At 1:25, do you remember hearing that?

At 1:37, indescribable pain

At 2:25, kids can’t even be kids

At 3:00, I got goose bumps…powerful

Watch this amazing video narrated by Shane Koyczan below:

Original post:


The beauty of this video is in the message. I’m pretty sure you won’t regret watching and listening.


Wound for wound

Share With Us @ Clouds N Cups

I have received another meaningful and worth sharing message from my Facebook App

Message From God

Hopefully after reading this, you might just want to think twice before making that fatal strike.

Strike In-Strike Out - 18-2-2013

Have a great Monday ahead!

Till then,

Cheers & TTFN~


View original post


This definitely doesn’t mean ACT without disregard to possible dangers and repercussions. I believe it’s telling us to ACT in such a way that we are not looking for something in return or expecting a predetermined result from our actions. We set ourselves up for disappointment if we do otherwise.

Take our relationships and interactions with people for an example. In some instances if you really examine where some of our problems start we’ll see it starts with us and our unspoken EXPECTATIONS. For instance, let’s say you do something for someone, whatever it may be, and they don’t react or reciprocate in the way you expected, you now feel hurt, disappointed, shorted or angry. This is all happening while the recipient has no idea of your preconceived EXPECTATIONS for them.

However, if we choose to ACT WITHOUT EXPECTATION in respects to our kinds acts for one another and truly do it unselfishly, we will never be disappointed because we did it without expecting any certain result from it. Whatever happens, happens. I’m going to try to make a concerted effort live my life free from the bondage of expectations. Come what may, whether it be something or nothing. The definition of surprise just so happens to be a completely unexpected occurrence. I guess we’ll be living a life full of surprises then 🙂


There is often more below what's seen or heard


View Instagram Photos Online

Posted: February 12, 2013 in How to...
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View Instagram Photos Online

We’ve asked to View Instagram Photos Online and now we’ve got it. A few days ago Instagram profiles were rolled out on to the web!

The new profiles to View Instagram Photos Online feature a layout very similar to that of parent company Facebook. Your web profile features a selection of your recently shared photographs just above your profile photo and bio, giving others a snapshot of the photos you share on Instagram. Users will be able to follow other users, comment on, and like images and edit their profile. To View Instagram Photos Online, simply type in followed by the username of the profile you wish to view (for example The service will be rolling out over the next few days so be sure to check it out. It’s a beautiful new way to share your Instagram photos!



Posted: February 11, 2013 in Reblogged

Just when you think it can’t any better, technology does it again.

It's Nice When You What You Give

You deserve to get what you give. Don’t settle or battle for less if they aren’t giving it freely.

It's Nice When You What You Give


