Archive for the ‘Blog Awards’ Category

Blog of the Year Award 1 star jpeg

What an amazing thing it was to see that these 2 fantastic fellow bloggers Share With Us@ Clouds n Cups & You’re Just A Dumbass  &  No Nonsense with Nuwan Sen had nominated my blog for the Blog of the Year 2013 Award! They are both very talented and kind women. It’s been a true honor and pleasure reading their posts and having them be dedicated visitors here.

The rules for this award are simple:

  1. Select another blog(s) who deserve the award;
  2. Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ them with their award;
  3. Include a link back to this page ‘Blog of the Year 2013’ Award and provide these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)
  4. Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them
  5. You can now also join our Facebook group – click ‘like’ on this page ‘Blog of the Year 2013’ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience.
  6. As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars…

**ALSO if you receive this award from me don’t feel pressured to do these steps, but rather just enjoy the recognition :)**

In no particular order here are my nominees:


Dang all of the sudden I’m getting love left and right. It’s truly an honor because I believe you are all 100 times the blogger I am. Your words seem to come so easily and eloquently. Thank you for all the likes, comments and support.

For this award I will nominate some blogs and/or the people that the blogs belong to that have touched me or inspired me in some way. I know some of you have already been nominated for this award or your not even accepting awards, but you’re getting it anyways, ha. Thank you!

If you so choose to participate, here are the 5 rules to follow:

1) Link back to the person who nominated you.

Thank you for your continuous and dependable support Bonding Tool

2) Post the award image on your page.

3) Tell seven (7) random facts about yourself.

1. My drink of choice is water

2. I don’t want to lose my hair

3. I’ve never had a cavity

4. I think before I speak

5. I don’t think I have any enemies

6. One of the most difficult parts about being in a chair is when a child too young to understand wants me to get up and play or get on the ground with them.

7. I want to know where all the lost socks go.

4) Nominate fifteen (15) other blogs.





ღ think. speak. tryst. ღ









5) Place the nomination on their blog



Thank you Megan메간 for the Versatile Blogger Award (VBA) nomination!

A description I found said this about the VBA. It’s a mutual admiration society where bloggers recognize their peers for writing quality blogs that touched them in some way. The VBAs honor the blogger rather than specific posts. It’s a chance for bloggers to pat themselves on the back like the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences does with the Oscars. Until someone starts giving out Blogscars, the VBAs will have to suffice.

Here are the rules when selected for the Versatile Blogger Award.

If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.

  • Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  • Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  • Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to the VBA site.
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Ok, I’ll start with the 7 things about me. This part does not appeal to me…dreading this, ha. I’d much rather be asked questions versus me talking about myself. Forgive me if they are lame.

1. I have lived in the same house my whole life

2. I love spicy food…I’m talking habanero or hotter spicy.

3. I haven’t driven since August 19, 2001 (Not by choice)

4. I do not like scary movies. I hate the anticipation of being scared.

5. I went skydiving for my 30th birthday.

6. Sometimes I’m scared I’m fighting a fight I can’t win.

7. I hate going a day without music

Now another difficult part, choosing 15 bloggers. I’d love to give it to all of you. If I nominate you don’t feel pressured to complete the requirements. I just wanted you to know I appreciate your blog and you supporting mine. In no specific order:


A Shade Of Pen



A Day in the Life of Shareen A.


my life afterglow

Fairytale Epidemic

Clouds N Cups, Be With Us

Space for lasam

Shian writes


Lit and Scribbles


thenerdyscribe’s Blog



Thank you belowrance for nominating me for the Liebster Blog Award!

When I first saw her message/nomination I didn’t really know what it is was, but I saw the word AWARD and that was enough, ha.

What is the “Liebster Blog Award?”
It is an award given to up and coming bloggers, which reputedly started in Germany. “Liebster” is German for “favorite”, so in a way this award is the “favorite blog award” as another blogger put it. You receive this award from a fellow blogger that feels your blog is both worthy & important to them. If you receive this award, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Nominate anywhere from 3-11 blogs/bloggers (You can choose. 3-5 is most popular)
  2. The bloggers awarded must have less than 300 followers.
  3. Answer the 11 questions asked of you by your nominator
  4. Pose 11 questions for your nominees

Participation is completely voluntary and is not limited to any genre or writing for that matter. Basically, the blog can be about anything and simply has to be one that you feel is worthy and that you would like to give recognition to by passing it on.

This image kind of explains it…other bloggers with the award:


So I’m going to answer the questions belowrance asked me and then I’ll nominate my 11 bloggers and leave them 11 questions. Good thing they weren’t math questions, ha.

My questions for you:

1. How did you feel when you got your first follower? Or realized other people were reading your words?

Answer: It felt great. It’s nice to know that your likes and thoughts are worth following.

2. I am a car concert superstar (aka I belt out songs in the car with no one around), what is your song of choice when you are a car concert superstar?

Answer: I do not discriminate. Each song I hear has an equal opportunity to be blessed by what I alone think is a beautiful voice.

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Answer: There’s many places I’d like to go. So to list a few would be Italy, England, Ireland, Brazil, Japan, Australia, and Greece. In the U.S. I’d like to go to New York, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and somewhere in the mid-west dominated my mother nature.

4. If you had to rush out of your house and only take one item with you, what would it be?

Answer: I guess it would have to be my wheelchair now, ha.

5. What is your favorite baseball team?

Answer: The Atlanta Braves. Years ago they were the only team in the southeast and I’ll stay loyal 🙂

6. Have you ever had a dance party when no one else was around? (yes, I have done this… actually it happens a lot in my house)

Answer: Oh for sure. I take pride in not taking myself seriously and if I want to shake what my momma gave me, I do just that.

7. What is your favorite season?

Answer: Probably right in between spring and summer. Not too cold and not too hot….so Sprummer.

8. What is the best concert you’ve ever been to?

Answer: Hmm, well it probably wasn’t the best ever, but I emotionally needed it and live music can heal the soul. It was Jimmy Eat World at the House of Blues. Small, intimate, just right.

9. If you could be granted one wish, what would it be?

Answer: Universal Peace. This would grant us freedom from our worries, which in turn effects so many other areas of our lives.

10. If you could switch professions tomorrow, what would you do?

Answer: I think something with kids. They are usually brutally and/or beautifully honest and just seem to want to have fun first.

11. Coke or Pepsi? (If you say Pepsi, we will not be friends.)

Answer: Ha, how dare you Brooke. I still say Coke despite your warning.

I chose 11 nominees because I couldn’t limit myself to any less, ha. I barely sifted it to 11. Luckily some of my favs had over 300 members 🙂

Ok, here are my chosen 11 and their designated 11 questions:




ღ think. speak. tryst. ღ

Bonding Tool

Fashion Sky Fall


Women Warriors!

North to South



1. When you are driving do you prefer windows or A/C?

2. What brought you to WordPress?

3. Do you bless people after they sneeze?

4. Are you a morning person?

5. What is a favorite movie of yours?

6. Where would you live if you could pick any place?

7. Do you believe in God and/or practice a certain religion?

8. What kind of grades did you make in school?

9. What is one of your favorite songs?

10. When I’m riding or driving in a car I lean more towards music than conversation. Are you more for music or conversation?

11. Do you believe in true love?


liebster award

Thank you belowrance for nominating me for the Liebster Award!

When I first saw her message/nomination I didn’t really know what it is was, but I saw the word AWARD and that was enough, ha.

What is the “Liebster Award?”
It is an award given to up and coming bloggers, which reputedly started in Germany. “Liebster” is German for “favorite”, so in a way this award is the “favorite blog award” as another blogger put it. You receive this award from a fellow blogger that feels your blog is both worthy & important to them. If you receive this award, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Nominate anywhere from 3-11 blogs/bloggers (You can choose. 3-5 is most popular)
  2. The bloggers awarded must have less than 300 followers.
  3. Answer the 11 questions asked of you by your nominator
  4. Pose 11 questions for your nominees

Participation is completely voluntary and is not limited to any genre or writing for that matter. Basically, the blog can be about anything and simply has to be one that you feel is worthy and that you would like to give recognition to by passing it on.

This image kind of explains it…other bloggers with the award:

liebster award

So I’m going to answer the questions belowrance asked me and then I’ll nominate my 11 bloggers and leave them 11 questions. Good thing they weren’t math questions, ha.

My questions for you:

1. How did you feel when you got your first follower? Or realized other people were reading your words?

Answer: It felt great. It’s nice to know that your likes and thoughts are worth following.

2. I am a car concert superstar (aka I belt out songs in the car with no one around), what is your song of choice when you are a car concert superstar?

Answer: I do not discriminate. Each song I hear has an equal opportunity to be blessed by what I alone think is a beautiful voice.

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Answer: There’s many places I’d like to go. So to list a few would be Italy, England, Ireland, Brazil, Japan, Australia, and Greece. In the U.S. I’d like to go to New York, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and somewhere in the mid-west dominated my mother nature.

4. If you had to rush out of your house and only take one item with you, what would it be?

Answer: I guess it would have to be my wheelchair now, ha.

5. What is your favorite baseball team?

Answer: The Atlanta Braves. Years ago they were the only team in the southeast and I’ll stay loyal 🙂

6. Have you ever had a dance party when no one else was around? (yes, I have done this… actually it happens a lot in my house)

Answer: Oh for sure. I take pride in not taking myself seriously and if I want to shake what my momma gave me, I do just that.

7. What is your favorite season?

Answer: Probably right in between spring and summer. Not too cold and not too hot….so Sprummer.

8. What is the best concert you’ve ever been to?

Answer: Hmm, well it probably wasn’t the best ever, but I emotionally needed it and live music can heal the soul. It was Jimmy Eat World at the House of Blues. Small, intimate, just right.

9. If you could be granted one wish, what would it be?

Answer: Universal Peace. This would grant us freedom from our worries, which in turn effects so many other areas of our lives.

10. If you could switch professions tomorrow, what would you do?

Answer: I think something with kids. They are usually brutally and/or beautifully honest and just seem to want to have fun first.

11. Coke or Pepsi? (If you say Pepsi, we will not be friends.)

Answer: Ha, how dare you Brooke. I still say Coke despite your warning.

I chose 11 nominees because I couldn’t limit myself to any less, ha. I barely sifted it to 11. Luckily some of my favs had over 300 members 🙂

Ok, here are my chosen 11 and their designated 11 questions:




ღ think. speak. tryst. ღ

Bonding Tool

Fashion Sky Fall


Women Warriors!

North to South



1. When you are driving do you prefer windows or A/C?

2. What brought you to WordPress?

3. Do you bless people after they sneeze?

4. Are you a morning person?

5. What is a favorite movie of yours?

6. Where would you live if you could pick any place?

7. Do you believe in God and/or practice a certain religion?

8. What kind of grades did you make in school?

9. What is one of your favorite songs?

10. When I’m riding or driving in a car I lean more towards music than conversation. Are you more for music or conversation?

11. Do you believe in true love?